Virginian Pilot – Tyranny

The edited, published version can be seen here.

LTE 6/24/10

Congress has been trying desperately for the last 18 months to force a radical transformation down America’s throat.  After success with an ineffective stimulus bill, meddling in various private industries, and passage of infringing healthcare reform, they are now pandering in crisis mode to Cap and Trade and Immigration Reform using the Gulf disaster and the Arizona controversy as their respective justifications.  No matter this country is broke and popular opinion opposes everything they’re doing, Congress plugs along nonetheless in a fog of their own self-absorbed superiority.
What Congress doesn’t appear to comprehend is that they’re quickly becoming obsolete to the Executive Branch’s abuse of regulation.  Who needs Cap and Trade when the EPA can declare CO2 a pollutant and subsequently regulate and profit from it?  Who needs Congress when the Dept of the Interior can ignore a court ruling and put another moratorium on offshore drilling?  Who needs a budget process when the Treasury can commit $2 billion to a Brazilian oil company?  And who needs immigration law when the Dept of Homeland Security can simply “decide” to grant amnesty to all illegal aliens?  Despite Constitutional definition of the roles and powers of the three Branches, our Constitution goes abused and ignored by today’s White House.  What Congress doesn’t legislate, Obama is eager to regulate with complete disregard for the rule of law.
Our president is circumventing the legislative process and ignoring legal jurisdiction; a path aimed at the destruction of the check-and-balance system that has kept our republic sovereign for 200 years.  He is derelict in his duty to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
Our national debt of over $13 trillion will become the least of our problems if we fail to prevent the Executive Branch from consuming the other two. 

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